Traducción & Definición
to get back to someone (on the telephone): volver a llamar a alguien (por teléfono)
I'll get back to you next week. Te volveré a llamar la próxima semana.
to get back to your problem: para volver a tu problema
Getting back to the problem: I'm giving you twenty-four hours to fix it. Volviendo al problema: te doy 24 horas para arreglarlo.
to get back to (one's desk): volver a (su despacho)
I have to get back to my desk. Tengo que volver a mi despacho.
- "Feel free to get back to us tomorrow with your decision."
- "Susie : I suppose we should get back to our negotiations."
- "I've got to get back to my office."
- "However, we gave Sam a week to get back to us."
- "Get back to the balloon!"
- "Look sir, I should probably get back to my office, I feel a bit dizzy right now."
- "I've got to get back to the institution."
- "Let's get back to the BümBüm-Delavigne saga."
- "Until then, let's get back to the spirit of the season: getting drunk as skunks, stuffing our faces with food, and of course, putting up with our family!"
- "Brian : Let's get back to our interrogation."
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