Traducción & Definición

(in the) future: (en el) futuro noun
(Here is my) future (wife): (Esta es mi) futura (esposa) adjective


  • "I've got to tell you the secret that will change the future of this company forever."
  • "I'll just take 50% of all your future earnings."
  • "We can predict the future!"
  • "Anyhow, now that you're a wealthy person, I've been considering your future."
  • "I thought I was crazy, but next to these two nuts, I am very normal, and exceptionally concerned for the future of Europe."
  • "Look, it's all a bit technical, but the important thing is that my company's future is secure."
  • "Krazy Gideon : Hello and welcome to big debate on future of Europe!"
  • "I believe the children are our future..."
  • "I'm from the future, you should go to China."
  • "As her delicate hands served each dish, each more exquisite than the last, my mind started to wander and I began to imagine a future with Betty by my side, maybe even as my wife."

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