Traducción & Definición

furthermore: además, asimismo adverb
Furthermore, you have been late every day this week. Además, esta semana ha llegado tarde todos los días.


  • "Furthermore, Delavigne Corp has guaranteed that a portion of the sales generated by WorldBlends will be donated to environmental agencies."
  • "Furthermore, the company will be happy to reimburse the travel expenses for your husband and cats to join you the next few weekends until your family moves here permanently."
  • "Furthermore, regarding your concerns for the budget, I assure you that we're not in danger of going bankrupt anytime soon!"
  • "Furthermore, the weapon used in the assault, allegedly a small glass bottle, was not found at the scene of the crime."
  • "Furthermore they have decided to add our line of lotions to their shelves."
  • "Furthermore, Edward Moon, who was fired twice in the span of 3 hours yesterday, is not technically an employee!"
  • "Furthermore, why is someone with your salary salvaging abandoned bikes out of trash cans?"
  • "Furthermore, with every firing there is a possibility of wrongful dismissal suits, which can be extremely costly."
  • "Furthermore, I believe my previous experience at Cosmic Cosmetics will prove invaluable at Delavigne."
  • "Furthermore, support of local businesses, farmers and stores is one way to protect local jobs."

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