Traducción & Definición

(my) fourth (daughter): (mi) cuarta (hija) adjective
Henry the fourth Enrique IV
my first girlfriend mi primera novia
my second wife mi segunda esposa
fourth: el cuarto (puesto), la cuarta (posición) adverb


  • "Bob the Brit : They always told me, never trust a Corsican with a gun on the fourth weekend in March!"
  • "Fourth, once your guests arrive, take their coats and ask them to sit down."
  • "Me, Mayor Fredrick Flimshaw the fourth."
  • "About my fourth nipple?"
  • "Let's wrap up today's broadcast with some audio recordings from the zoo, where little Huan Huan II became just the fourth panda ever born on American soil."
  • "Everyone : On the fourth day of Christmas"
  • "Brian : The company rents the entire building, but the fourth floor is reserved for our executive offices, the boardroom, the laboratory and a lounge."

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