Traducción & Definición

for (over 100 years): Desde (hace más de 100 años) preposition
(for the first time) in over 50 years: (por primera vez) en 50 años idiom


  • "I have been living in America for 23 years now, and I am incapable of using a telephone, and my best friend is a monkey!"
  • "We've been working across the hall from each other for over 13 years!"
  • "Wine woman : ...and we've been cultivating Zinfandel grapes for over 100 years..."
  • "This was the strongest earthquake to hit the region in over 30 years."
  • "The quote "Keep it in the family" which has adorned every label of D&C clothing for over 100 years, will have to be changed too as it doesn't quite ring true anymore!"
  • "August 18th : Server at station 12 produced a loud beeping sound for over an hour this morning."
  • "I have been living in America for 23 years now, and I am incapable of using a telephone... and my best friend is a monkey!"
  • "Also, I thought I should bring it to your attention that Horatio has already established his own nap time policy, apparently it has been in place for several decades, and he seems to be ultra-productive!"
  • "You have been in a coma for 10 days now."
  • "You and I have been friends for over 15."

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