Traducción & Definición

to focus (on a subject): centrar(se), fijar(se), concentrar(se) (en un tema) verb
The press is focusing on the scandal. La prensa se centra en el escándalo.
a focus: un centro de interés noun
The focus of next month's issue will be the effects of global warming. El próximo número se centrará especialmente en los efectos del calentamiento global.
focused: concentrado, centralizado, focalizado adjective


  • "Brian : Ok Brian, it's time to focus."
  • "Their goal is to promote teamwork and develop "skill sets" which will help us become more confident, more efficient and more focused on the well-being of the entire organization."
  • "Focus in on her leg."
  • "While the print media has indeed been critical of your company recently, we propose focusing on Delavigne's Internet presence to shift the narrative from tabloid gossip to the high quality profiles and experience of your staff."
  • "So far I've transformed into a duck and an elephant, but now I'm focusing on becoming a lotus flower."
  • "Which woman should I focus on?"
  • "Ok Brian, it's time to focus."
  • "We're going to relaunch with a stronger focus on luxury brands."
  • "Brian : Okay, Mr. Delavigne, we're going to record another message, and this time I want you to focus on energy, and the vibe you're giving to your callers."
  • "I work for "South Australian Jobs Focus", and I'd like to encourage your listeners to come to live and work in South Australia."

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