Traducción & Definición

the flu: la gripe noun
Flu es la abreviatura de la palabra influenza, menos común en el inglés actual.

UK: I think a pigeon gave me bird flu.
US: It's not the bird flu, it's just a cold.


  • "Although an occurrence of "fish flu" in US waters has yet to be reported, alarmed Americans are taking no chances."
  • "After watching news reports last week on the outbreak of "fish flu" in Asia, 8-year-old boy Thomas MacKenzie made a bold decision."
  • "Some are stockpiling flu medicine and getting flu shots, but others are taking less conventional precautions."
  • "He has a severe case of the flu, which is contagious in its early stages."
  • "Professor Hyppolyte Fabuleux said "Ever since the French flu pandemic of 1873, our nation has worn scarves to protect against the common cold and flu."
  • "Is it the swine flu?"
  • "Faced with the threat of a flu pandemic, researchers from Paris have developed a deterrent that could stop the virus from spreading."
  • "Bubbles' tragic isolation is just the latest incident in the growing fear of a possible "fish flu" pandemic."

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