Traducción & Definición

to fix (a broken table): reparar, arreglar (una mesa rota) verb
I have to fix my bike. Tengo que reparar mi bicicleta.
to fix (the prices): fijar, establecer (los precios) verb
Have you fixed the dates yet? ¿Has fijado las fechas ya?
We haven't fixed the final details of the budget. Aún no hemos concretado los últimos detalles del presupuesto.


  • "You do it to fix problems with computers."
  • "I have to fix Susan's computer."
  • "You fixed the machine!"
  • "Let's fix that situation right away."
  • "Once you've fixed the engine, and fixed the hole in the hull."
  • "If you fix it, I'll take you back home to San Francisco."
  • "I'm just here to fix the lights."
  • "Last but not least, Bob Carter has finally fixed the printer in my office."

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