Traducción & Definición

(The rug) fits (this room): (La alfombra) queda bien (en esta habitación) verb
I'm not sure if this painting will fit on the wall. Do you think there's enough space? No estoy seguro de que este cuadro entre en la pared. ¿Crees que hay espacio suficiente?
It fits you like a glove! It's the perfect size. ¡Le viene como anillo al dedo! Tiene el tamaño perfecto.
This dress fits you to perfection! It's exactly the right size for you. ¡Ese vestido le sienta de maravilla! Es su talla exacta.
This hotel fits my needs. Este hotel satisface mis necesidades.
to fit into (a pair of jeans): entrar en (unos vaqueros) verb
(a) fit (person): (una persona) en buena forma adjective
Fit has come to mean "sexy" or "good looking" in modern British English. When used to describe a man or woman, the term means "good looking" or "attractive", but is still linked to the idea of being in good physical condition.
He's quite fit! ¡Es muy guapo, sexy!

UK: This dress is too small - it doesn't fit!
US: You need to be very fit to run a marathon.


  • "Candles (I have some, but mine will never fit on a cake)"
  • "The scarf measures 50cm in length and is designed to fit around the necks of most birds (except ostriches and emus, which require modified versions of the scarf)."
  • "I can fit into tight spaces!"
  • "I'm not trying to pull you, even though I would like to... I think you are really fit."
  • "Someone fit and athletic, and it would be great if they cooked."
  • "He seems like a very sensitive fellow, not to mention how fit he is!"
  • "He's going to check you out to see if you're, um, mentally fit."
  • "I'm just going to attach the headset...Wow Brian, you've certainly got big hair, it doesn't seem to fit!"

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