Traducción & Definición

the first half, the second half (football): el primer tiempo, el segundo tiempo (fútbol) idiom


  • "Again, we should make special mention of the Asian market, where consumers bought 13.9% more Delavigne perfumes than in the first half of last year."
  • "Then, in the second half, the Americans equalized on a header from seventeen-year-old star Joe Umbabwe."
  • "In the first half, Mexican striker Jorge Luis Garbajosa scored on an amazing bicycle kick from the penalty area."
  • "Our very healthy profits in the first half of this year will not only result in generous dividends for our shareholders, but will in large part be re-invested into generating even better results."
  • "Viewed as a whole, the global cosmetics market showed a 2.8% increase in activity in the first half of the year."

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