Traducción & Definición

to examine: examinar, estudiar, analizar verb


  • "Narrator : In order to understand this complex man who has devoted his life to communicating with the dolphins, we must first examine his past."
  • "I've examined the market research for TigerLily and the data is conclusive: working-class men are the ones buying our perfume, therefore, they are the market segment we should target with our advertising."
  • "In order to understand this complex man who has devoted his life to communicating with the dolphins, we must first examine his past."
  • "After examining the crime scene and talking to Delavigne employees, Inspector Daphne Rathbone has gathered the following information"
  • "More specifically, we'll examine the health benefits and risks of diets around the world."
  • "I'd like to examine the data myself."
  • "Moira : Doctors who examined Calahan found strange marks all over his body."
  • "We are "examining" him now in a secret location (the toilets in the Delavigne parking lot), trying to find out literally what makes these robots tick."
  • "If you don't mind, I'm going to ask you some basic questions about your childhood, and then we'll move on to examine some deeper issues."

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