Traducción & Definición

exact: exacto adjective
(not) exactly: (no) exactamente, (no) del todo adverb


  • "What exactly is the problem?"
  • "You're probably wondering what exactly happened between Bruno and I, and to be honest it's not easy to explain."
  • "Brian : Yeah, that's exactly what I mean: a blind date."
  • "It was so loud, though, I couldn't be sure what he was saying exactly."
  • "You each had the opportunity - and motive - to kill Stink... but now I'm going to tell you exactly who committed the terrible crime of doggy murder!"
  • "It is exactly 9:07 am, and I am swimming alongside a dolphin."
  • "Yes... oh, we're on it, sir! Exactly!"
  • "And I know exactly what you should replace it with..."
  • "Betty : That is exactly how I feel."
  • "Sydney : Exactly!"

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