Traducción & Definición

(the) European (commission): (la comisión) europea adjective
a European: un europeo noun


  • "The European parliament?"
  • "The European leaders and I were trying to decide if we should invade Andorra."
  • "Being a privileged white European male is truly the ultimate burden."
  • "I'm here because two European tourists - Dutch to be precise - have been taken hostage by pirates."
  • "New European Prez caught between a rock and a hard place"
  • "It seems that the new European president serves two masters: the people of the old continent as well as Delavigne, his employer for the past decade."
  • "I apologize for being in America during my first week as European president."
  • "Today we have an excellent collection of Eastern European art, including some very rare avant-garde paintings and sculptures."
  • "Today we are going to talk about fox hunting with our European correspondent, Rupert Kensington."
  • "Brian : Gideon, this contest has become European Carnage."

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