Traducción & Definición

Etcetera (and so on and so forth): Etcétera, etc. (y así sucesivamente) idiom


  • "I will of course insist on a good cross-section of society in terms of age, gender, ethnic origin, etc."
  • "They have IT, management training, language courses, etcetera, etcetera... My comrade, a salesman, was even offered an improvisational comedy course."
  • "We'll start with the basics, then focus on the Internet, and eventually we'll deal with word processing, spreadsheets, etc."
  • "You know how it works: we'll look at how your Delavigne products have been selling this quarter, what you'd like to order more of, what you've still got in stock, etc."
  • "Swedes are from Sweden, etcetera."
  • "First, make it clear in your invitation how smart the evening is going to be: "smart", "casual", "smart-casual", etc. Second, it is not usually polite to ask your guests to bring anything to dinner."
  • "Please find below all of my contact information (telephone and fax numbers, email, address, pager number, etc.) in the event that you would like to arrange a meeting, or simply discuss some specifics."
  • "Party favors (cone-shaped hats, noise-makers, etc.)"
  • "I'd like you to install the necessary software for a Delavigne debutante (FireSox, Thunderpants, Microtosh Office etc.)."

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