Traducción & Definición

an engineer: un ingeniero noun
engineering: ingeniería noun
I studied engineering in college. Estudié ingeniería en la universidad.
an engine: un motor, una locomotora noun


  • "Wang Aeronautics (Guangzhou, jet fuels and airplane engines."
  • "Bob and his assistant Jean Marron manage a team of technicians and engineers who handle all of our information systems, software applications, hardware devices, etcetera."
  • "Philip : You do realize that you're an engineer, and that your job is setting up the internet?"
  • "Some of the world's best engineers work with planes, and they have already come up with some interesting solutions to the pollution problem. Here are a few of our favourites..."
  • "We cannot guarantee that an engineer will ever visit your home to set up the internet connection."
  • "From cutting-edge French auto manufacturer Citron comes a new hybrid car equipped with four tires, an engine, two doors and a super smooth suspension that will make you think you're driving on cheese."
  • "Best time for installation engineer to visit: MORNINGS"
  • "Engineers are currently developing craft which would be able to fly from London to New York in 35 hours."
  • "Upon receipt of the completed form, we will contact you to arrange a visit from one of our installation engineers*."
  • "Once you've fixed the engine, and fixed the hole in the hull."

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