Traducción & Definición
effectively: de manera eficaz, con eficacia
(an) effective (method): (un método) eficaz
El término effective es diferente de efficient. Un "effective (process)" (un proceso eficaz) es el que produce el efecto o resultado deseado mientras que un "efficient (process)" (proceso eficiente) es el que se lleva a cabo con un mínimo esfuerzo, energía o gasto.
effectiveness: eficacia
Pronunciation examples
UK: Our marketing campaign has been very effective.
US: Boys, we need to manage our workload more effectively.
- "Please note that antibiotics are not effective against viruses!"
- "Can a president truly be effective when he has to walk a small dog twice a day?"
- "Icarus : Moreover, the money you pay into this plan is tax-free for now, and Delavigne matches part of what you contribute, so you effectively get free money!"
- "Remember, you won't get anywhere in life if you don't communicate effectively."
- "My name is Cheeter, Philip Cheeter: Director of sales at the Delavigne Corporation, generous, dynamic lover, and most recently, super effective FBI agent."
- "Accomplished interviewer and effective conflict manager"
- "In order to prevent the transmission of diseases in the workplace, I have put in place a new initiative that will encourage people to wash their hands after using the bathroom. I am reluctant to reveal too much information regarding the protocol as it may compromise its effectiveness."
- "Studies show that the current "traffic light" labelling system - red, amber and green labels representing the amounts of salt, sugar, and fat - for foods on sale in supermarkets is reasonably common, but not effective enough in reducing obesity."
- "In the meantime, government researchers across Britain are waiting to see the effectiveness of this new policy."
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