Traducción & Definición

to drink: beber verb

Este verbo es irregular:
I drink / I drank / I have drunk
a drink: una bebida, una copa, un trago noun
to have a drink (ir) a beber algo, a tomar una copa
a soft drink una bebida sin alcohol
Do you fancy a drink? ¿Quieres tomar una copa?
drunk (or drunken): borracho, ebrio adjective
In modern English, the adjective drunk is used after a verb while drunken is used only in front of a noun:
A drunken woman at the bar was singing off-key. Una mujer borracha cantaba en play-back en el bar.
The guests at the party were all drunk. Todos los invitados de la fiesta estaban borrachos.
Don't drive drunk, you'll spill your drink! No conduzcas ebrio, ¡vas a derramar tu bebida!


  • "You two aren't going to drink all night again, are ya?"
  • "Enjoy your drinks and I'll be back soon with your meals."
  • "They drink lots of beer, they love barbecues, and they have many beautiful animals."
  • "Oh, I've forgotten to ask... would you like something to drink?"
  • "Philip & Warbuckle : "I drank too much champagne at the party!"
  • "Warbuckle : Y'all been drinking for hours!"
  • "I guess we should drink more milkshake."
  • "Warbuckle : I've never seen a horse drink so much before."
  • "Could I get you something to drink?"
  • "I drank too much champagne at the party."

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