Traducción & Definición

(He's) down on (Chang Avenue), in (Marseille): (Está) en (la avenida Chang), en (Marsella) idiom
(She is) down at (the bakery, the police station): (Está) en (la panadería, en la comisaría) idiom


  • "Fat Face Sal : You know...the thing, down at the airport, with the you know... the robbery!"
  • "He wants to be number one, so you've got to look out for him. But Frankie Fingers, down on Franklin Avenue, he's very ambitious."
  • "'Left a good job down in the city, working for the man every night and day'"
  • "If you just give me a second while I search our database... Okay, it looks like your server is down at our data center, scheduled for delivery on the 26th."
  • "(Jean singing) Left a good job down in the city, working for the man every night and day!"
  • "But to help me out is our Brazilian correspondent, João Carlos do Sabino, who's reporting on a women's beach volleyball tournament down in that fabulous city, Rio de Janeiro, João?"

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