Traducción & Definición
to dock (one's pay): descontar, rebajar (de la paga de alguien)
Your pay will be docked for every day you arrive late. Todos los días que llegue tarde le serán descontados de su sueldo.
Your allowance will be docked until you clean up your room. Te quedarás sin propina hasta que ordenes tu habitación.
Observe que dock significa también "muelle":
Sitting on the dock of the bay... Sentado en el muelle de la bahía (canción de Otis Redding)
to dock (a ship): atracar (un barco)
The captain showed me how to dock the ship correctly. El capitán me enseñó como atracar un barco correctamente.
- "If you do consent to this scheduled time, be aware that your pay will be docked for the duration of the meeting."
- "Bruno has asked me to inform you, however, that your pay will be docked for missing a day of work, as you did not mention Thursday in your initial request for time-off."
- "As an incentive for attendance, anyone who isn't present at the seminar will be docked on their next paycheck."
- "We don't want to have to dock your pay when you're so gravely ill."
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