Traducción & Definición

to dive (into a swimming pool): sumergirse (en la piscina) verb
Stock prices dove 100 points yesterday on Wall Street. Las acciones cayeron 100 puntos ayer en Wall Street.
Anthony is a certified diving instructor. He learned in Egypt. Anthony es un instructor acreditado de buceo. Se formó en Egipto.

Este verbo es irregular:
I dive / I dove or dived / I have dove or dived
a dive: una zambullida noun
to dive into (an activity): sumergirse en (una actividad) idiom
With little formal training, I had to dive right into my new job as a grade school teacher. Tuve que zambullirme directamente en mi nuevo trabajo de profesor sin apenas entrenamiento formal.


  • "Dive, dive, dive!"
  • "Camera footage shows Oléré diving into a pool of caviar in full scuba gear at one point."
  • "A 15-year-old boy wreaked havoc today at White Dove High School when he pulled out candy from his bag and threw it "quite hard" at fellow students."
  • "He's got to learn how to sell, Philip, and what better way is there for him to learn than to dive right in?"
  • "With me, you will learn the five D's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and... dodge."

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