Traducción & Definición

to discover: descubrir verb
When I looked through his personal details, I discovered that he was actually married! Al revisar sus datos personales, ¡descubrí que en realidad estaba casado!
a discovery: un descubrimiento, un hallazgo noun
undiscovered: inexplorado, desconocido adjective


  • "Today we've been granted the exclusive opportunity to discover the many secrets of his magnificent, splendiferous, fantabulous, audacious, enormous ranch!"
  • "Brian : We know for a fact that barking was heard in the vicinity of the copy machine at 7.15pm, just 3 minutes before Stink's body was discovered in the hallway!"
  • "Let's discover together, shall we?"
  • "Join us, as we discover life in the Parallel Funky Friday Universe Zone thing!"
  • "Brian : Well, when the ladies discovered we were escaping, Horatio and I ran as fast as we could."
  • "Through the help of my personal trainer and spiritual guru, Philip Cheeter, I have discovered the benefits of a strict nutritional regimen and regular physical fitness."
  • "Brian : Our sources tell us that just minutes before Stink's corpse was discovered by Bruno, you were seen in the sales department!"
  • "Philip : Well, how are we going to discover what superpowers the milkshakes have given us?"
  • "Just a reminder, folks: Radio Rhubarb will stay with this story until the bodies are discovered, excuse me, I mean until the situation is explained."
  • "I'm dying to rediscover fine British cuisine."

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