Traducción & Definición

a condition: una condición noun
You can come, but there is one condition: you must call me Sir. Puedes venir pero con una condición: debes llamarme Señor.
These men work in poor conditions. Estos hombres trabajan en unas condiciones deplorables.
on condition that: con la condición de que idiom
We have decided to hire you, on condition that you come to work on time every day. Hemos decidido contratarle con la condición de que llegue puntual al trabajo todos los días.
a condition (health): una enfermedad (salud) noun
En un contexto médico:
He has a heart condition. Tiene una enfermedad del corazón.
Anosmia is a terrible condition. La anosmia es una enfermedad terrible.
Otros usos:
Zinedine Zidane came to the tournament in great condition. Zinedine Zidane llegó al torneo en plena forma.
As you can see, this car is in good condition. Como puede ver, este coche está en perfectas condiciones.

UK: That is one of the conditions of the agreement.
US: She can't go swimming because she has a heart condition.


  • "The doctor asks, "How long has she had this condition?"
  • "In the event of my death, I bequeath the following to my grandson, Brian Alastair Sinclair Jones, on the condition that he be married... to a woman."
  • "Anosmia is a condition in which the sense of smell is reduced or lost entirely."
  • "Are we willing, to accept the terms and conditions of our arrangement?"
  • "So let's move on to the doors and windows: Are they in good condition?"
  • "We are curious about the conditions of the workers here at ChinaCorp Ltd."
  • "In addition to using all-natural ingredients, the new line (code-named "WorldBlends") is produced under humane conditions."
  • "He is currently in stable condition, and alternates between screaming and farting."
  • "Woman on cassette tape : Premature ejaculation is a common condition."

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