Traducción & Definición

a complexity: una complejidad noun
complex: complicado, complejo adjective


  • "He has several complex methods for cataloguing financial information which seem excessive even to me."
  • "I wish I could understand your complex language."
  • "Good: For complex women"
  • "And I'd just like to say that the complex theoretical algorithms that I learned in your calculus and trigonometry classes will help me every day in the real world, I'm sure of it."
  • "Horatio : I am a complex man."
  • "In order to understand this complex man who has devoted his life to communicating with the dolphins, we must first examine his past."
  • "I sincerely want to help people overcome the difficulties they encounter in today's complex world of cosmetics."
  • "Bad: May be too complex"
  • "Montmartre Musk from Delavigne is full of artistic flair, vibrance and creativity, it's colourful and romantic, yet fascinating and complex."

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