Traducción & Definición

to compete (with): competir (con) verb
As a child, Philip always competed with his siblings for their parents' attention. Cuando era niño, Philip siempre competía con sus hermanos por la atención de sus padres.

UK: As a child, Philip always competed with his siblings for their parents' attention.
US: I am competing in this year's marathon.


  • "Details about the event in which you will be competing are included on the next page."
  • "Horatio : Competing?"
  • "Therefore, we are delighted to inform you that you have been selected to compete in the Olympic Games."
  • "The samba schools compete to win the main prize."
  • "Bruno : No, I'm competing in the Olympics."
  • "While Wang has his work cut out for him, the idea that China can compete with the traditional European luxury giants in retail and distribution is no longer a hazy prospect, but now a near certainty."
  • "The sun has just risen and I'm here on Ipanema Beach to report on the lovely girls from Ipanema, who are competing in the women's beach volleyball world championship."

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