Traducción & Definición

a community: una comunidad noun
Community is very important to me. La comunidad es muy importante para mí.


  • "And communities are built on sharing and interaction."
  • "The board of the IACF thought it only fitting that you, one of the true pioneers in the fragrance and cosmetic community, deliver the speech to mark the Vicennial anniversary of our organization."
  • "These terrorists – and I do not think this word is too strong – take issue with the fishing of bluefin tuna, arguing that the bluefin community is suffering terribly from over-fishing."
  • "The HR department can be a valuable resource in getting you and your family settled and integrated into the community as soon as possible."
  • "Also, I acted as a liaison between the troupe and the community, promoting circus awareness and organizing our touring schedule."
  • "We're a community, you know."
  • "Europe is a community of nations dedicated towards one goal"

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