Traducción & Definición

to collide (with): chocar o colisionar (con) verb
Here is our latest traffic update: A truck southbound on the A6 collided with two cars at exit 20. Aquí esta nuestro último avance del tráfico: en la dirección sur de la autopista A6, un camión chocó con dos coches a la altura de la salida 20.
a collision: un choque noun

UK: The car I was driving collided with the wall, but it wasn't my fault.
US: The collision of the two airplanes resulted in many fatalities.


  • "Reporter : The train from London to Newcastle collided with a cargo train en route from Manchester to London today."
  • "You have a $500 deductible on your comprehensive and collision coverage, meaning that Ouch Insurance will pay for any damages above this amount."
  • "My dream keeps on taking me back to that fateful day many years ago when I collided with the Kalvin Krime truck and lost my faculty to smell."
  • "While driving to the International Conference on Smelling Techniques, Bruno's tiny Peugeot collided with an enormous truck carrying several boxes of Kalvin Krime products."
  • "Covers damages to your vehicle resulting from a collision with another car."
  • "First of all, just minutes before Mr. Connors and Mr. Marron collided with the oak tree on Ashbury street, the two were at Mount Sinai hospital, where Mr. Connors underwent a serious operation to correct his vision."
  • "Captain Donny Dare, the pilot, was rendered unconscious in a mid-air collision with a large goose, leaving his novice co-pilot, with no previous flight training, the daunting task of landing the plane safely."
  • "I was on the passenger train on its way back to London (to catch my flight, which I obviously missed) when we collided with a cargo train."
  • "No limit Collision"

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