Traducción & Definición

a citizen: un ciudadano noun
the citizenship la ciudadanía
a senior citizen un anciano


  • "Britons buy slice of American pie: UK citizens investing more and more in the American housing market"
  • "I understand that these are serious charges which affect the good citizens of San Francisco, and that the nature of these offenses should not be taken lightly."
  • "Jean : Well, as you may know, I am not an American citizen..."
  • "The citizens of Europe?"
  • "New president of Europe Brian Alistair Jones, the winner in a hotly contested election that divided citizens over issues such as a national cheese, sits in his office with a reflective look on his face."
  • "Senior citizen"
  • "Any French citizen between the ages of 18 and 28 is eligible to apply, provided they are currently enrolled in a university."
  • "Robot : Because citizens get very attached to songs about their country, and they don't like it when their music becomes a tribute to one's egomania."
  • "I am a citizen!"

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