Traducción & Definición

a chapter: un capítulo noun


  • "Chapter 10: The Warbuckle Connection - Guns, Trucks and Cowboy hats"
  • "Chapter 9: 1st, 2nd and 5th secret marriages"
  • "Chapter 6: Ice cream addiction and rehabilitation"
  • "Chapter 7: Genetically modified perfumes"
  • "Chapter 3: Illegal chicken fighting controversy"
  • "Chapter 2: The Devil and Bruno Delavigne - playing squash with Satan"
  • "Chapter 5: Obsession with time travel"
  • "Chapter 8: The Amazon years: casual nudity, Horatio Oléré and dolphin hormones"
  • "As I begin this new chapter in my life, substituting meaningless sexual encounters with meaningful brush strokes, I would appreciate the support of my colleagues as I reveal the fruits of my labor."
  • "Chapter 4: Involvement with the Illuminati and Freemasons"

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