Traducción & Definición

to buy: comprar verb

Este verbo es irregular:
I buy / I bought / I have bought
a buyer: un comprador noun


  • "Giant corporation makes bid to buy weird little juice business"
  • "However, despite my tastes and means, I cannot be expected to keep buying fine art out of my own pocket, and I will bring up the matter of finances at the next shareholders meeting."
  • "Jean : Uh, can we buy a real espresso machine for the lounge?"
  • "Do you know what a billion dollars can buy you?"
  • "Philip : Well Hannah, if you must know, I didn't "buy the dog"."
  • "Daddy will buy you a bigger one."
  • "Step 3 - Buy a gift for the person you selected, and spend no more than $10 on it."
  • "I really hope that this is Xiao Xiao, the woman interested in buying my masterpiece, "Multiplicity"."
  • "I would like to buy a hamburger."
  • "According to his mother, "Can I buy you a drink?"

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