Traducción & Definición

business: negocios, empresa noun
We plan to go into business together. Pensamos hacer negocios juntos.
to do business hacer negocios
How's business? ¿Cómo van los negocios?
small businesses pequeñas empresas
a business environment: un ambiente profesional idiom


  • "the president of a multinational perfume company should not be promoting a human cockfight in a business environment."
  • "Felix : Business?"
  • "Xavier taught me the perfume trade because he wanted me to take over his business, and carry on his legacy."
  • "The backlash from Warbuckle's arrest could have financial implications not only for Warbuckle's Department Stores, but for his business partners as well."
  • "I've settled some of my more difficult business disputes in there."
  • "Yes, the business has grown, but where is the human touch, Bruno?"
  • "Susie, our users have written to us via email, Twitter, and in one case by pigeon all asking you business questions."
  • "Brian : Finally, some business!"
  • "Bruno : No, no, like business and management and math and dogs."
  • "Warbuckle III will deliver a keynote speech entitled "The importance of networking in business"."

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