Traducción & Definición

to burn (a building): quemar, incendiar (un edificio) verb
to burn (a CD): grabar, copiar (un CD) verb
a burn: una quemadura noun


  • "Philip : I'll burn that bridge when I come to it."
  • "Did you know that laughing just once per day burns calories, releases endorphins and relaxes tension in the face?"
  • "a "barbie" is a barbecue – or for you and me, "burning animals on the fire"."
  • "Friday : To finish the week in style, our twisted tycoon was seen burning hundred dollar bills to light Cuban cigars in a Las Vegas night club."
  • "He then burns the paper with a lighter, while singing and dancing at the same time."
  • "Got a whole lot of money that's ready to burn."
  • "a "barbie" is a barbecue – or for you and me, "burning animals on the fire."
  • "It's also my favorite fragrance, so I always keep a bottle in the bathroom. When he's got the urge to burn something, he just helps himself!"
  • "Bruno had been poisoned and his body mutilated in many ways - cigarette burns, bullet wounds, stab wounds, teeth marks, etc."
  • "No one was harmed in the incident, though one 94-year-old man broke his hip dancing the samba around the burning vehicle."

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