Traducción & Definición

a (broom) closet (US): un armario (escobero) noun
I heard that Susie hides her lovers in the broom closet. Oí que Susie esconde a sus amantes en el armario escobero.
a broom una escoba


  • "I was in my song closet, writing lyrics."
  • "As many of you are already aware, we've recently replaced the photocopier next to the broom closet."
  • "A closet containing various psychedelic drugs (mescaline, mushrooms, and some unidentified leaves - later found to be highly psychoactive), a large pipe, and a number of animal bones."
  • "7.20AM – Find space in closet to hide myself."
  • "Philip : And remember that time when you got stuck in the closet all night?"
  • "If you were really in the closet, "writing lyrics", then read us what you wrote!"
  • "I want to see your closet, I want to try on your dresses, I want to meet the guards with the funny hats, but most of all, I want to see... the crown jewels!"
  • "Philip : And remember that time that you got stuck in the closet all night?"

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