Traducción & Definición

to bring (something): traer (algo) verb

Este verbo es irregular:
I bring / I brought / I have brought
to bring (somebody somewhere): llevar (a alguien a alguna parte) verb

UK: Please could you bring me a present back from your holiday?
US: I brought you back a snake from Africa.


  • "Take this test tube and put the ingredients you brought into it."
  • "Bring me my surgical instruments."
  • "Horatio : Hey Fonzie, I brought you a big pizza pie!"
  • "I see you brought your dog."
  • "I've brought my boss, Mr. Gidyeon, for his, um, routine medical test."
  • "Anyway, Michael is here to bring music and dance to the perfume-making process."
  • "Did you bring me the things I asked for?"
  • "He's here to bring music and dance to your everyday tasks."
  • "He's currently exiled from heaven so he is available to help us bring the music back to Delavigne."
  • "Xavier : You don't need to say anything – just please bring me my soup!"

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