Traducción & Definición

a ball: una pelota, una bola, un balón, un globo noun
(Let's go to) the ball!: ¡(Vayamos al) baile! noun


  • "A ball hits you and another teammate (you're both out)."
  • "It's a game played with a ball that is struck with the foot."
  • "Someone catches your ball;"
  • "Brian : And he was the only one who could dodge the balls!"
  • "Jean : Who is the man throwing the ball?"
  • "Here, Sigourney, throw me that ball would you?"
  • "He's trying to hit the ball somewhere where it won't be caught."
  • "I'm here on the outskirts of London, in Twickenham. This is the home of English rugby, and I'm here to gather some opinions about what everyone is calling the "year of the oval ball"."
  • "We can hit a few balls on the driving range or even play polo."
  • "We have three bottles of champagne, a big rubber ball, and a net."

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