Traducción & Definición

at age 18 (or "at the age of 18"): a los 18 años idiom
the age: la edad noun


  • "Bruno saw his first dolphin at the age of 13, while surfing in the Pacific."
  • "How would you like to retire at the age of 45?"
  • "Date of birth: 12/09/1836 Age: 175"
  • "While other children played football after school, Bruno invented perfumes in his room. Bruno was sent to Paris at the age of 13 to learn the art of fragrance from his grandfather."
  • "Coming from a long lineage of pilots, Donny Dare's passion for flying started at the age of five, when he accompanied his father on bombing missions for the RAF during World War II."
  • "Physical description: (Age) 19 (Height) 5.8 M (Weight) 2367 KG (additional information) LOVES SUDOKU"
  • "Xavier married his first love, Clairette Marciano, at the age of 19."

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