Traducción & Definición

As you know, (I don't like dogs): Como sabes, (no me gustan los perros ) idiom
As you may already know, we are looking for a new director of sales. Como ya sabrá, estamos buscando un nuevo director de ventas.


  • "But as you know, I'm working two jobs at the moment."
  • "As you know, every four years, we gather to watch some of the world's palest athletes skate, ski and slide to Olympic glory for their country."
  • "Brian : Bruno, Horatio, as you know, Chuk-Chuk and I have been meditating together a lot recently."
  • "As you may know, I have a growing family and my children demand most of my free time away from work."
  • "As you know from reading my memo, we're here to come up with a name for Delavigne's new skin cream. Is everyone ready?"
  • "As you know, I started this business in Stuttgart with just a dream and some volatile chemicals-"
  • "As you know, these meetings are an opportunity for us to discuss what is going on in this crazy world, because often we're so busy with our daily responsibilities that we don't take the time to see what's really going on around us!"
  • "Jean : Well, as you may know, I am not an American citizen..."
  • "As you know, Ivana BümBüm, the model who appears in our TV commercials, and who is considered to be the face of Delavigne, has been photographed taking cocaine."
  • "As you know, my grandfather started this company in 1933."

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Lo que dicen nuestros usuarios:



Me encanta hacer mis cursos de inglés en línea. Unos diez minutos al día son suficientes... Gracias.



¡Me encanta vuestro innovador método para aprender un idioma divirtiéndose!



Vuestro método es único. Vuestros cursos me han ayudado a progresar y a ganar confianza durante mis viajes al extranjero.



Gymglish me ha permitido mejorar mi expresión oral y escrita en inglés. Una cita que no me perdería por nada del mundo.

Más testimonios.