Traducción & Definición

As part of (my anatomy class, I need to undress you): Como parte de (mi clase de anatomía, tengo que desvestirte) idiom


  • "This is just a reminder that tomorrow (14 August) I will be bringing a group of elementary school students to the offices as part of the Delavigne Cares program for underprivileged youths."
  • "We're blessed to have him as part of our team."
  • "Trial runs in towns with high obesity levels have shown that consumers are likely to avoid unhealthy products if they have a picture of an unhealthy body on them. As part of the new regulations, healthier food options will also feature photos of unrealistic slim body types in an attempt to lure consumers towards these products."
  • "We package this perfume as part of a collection of our best-selling fragrances from the past few years (possibly "Moulin Magic" and "Patchouli Junction") and form a "best-of" Delavigne perfume collection."
  • "Working as part of a team to tight deadlines."
  • "Krazy Gidyeon's Perfume is slashing prices on all Delavigne perfumes as part of our crazy quarterly liquidation sale!"
  • "Our beloved director of sales, and ex-president of Cheeterland, Philip Cheeter, recently completed a unique weekend seminar as part of Delavigne Corp's training program. Here's a excerpt from a recent email exchange between the two of us"
  • "The penetration of men's fragrance usage appears to be around 50%, with 51% of men claiming to use premium fragrances as part of their daily grooming routine, while about 32% of men 'cannot be bothered' to use any perfume at all."

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