Traducción & Definición

as long as: tanto tiempo como, siempre y cuando idiom
You can keep the car as long as you want. Puede quedarte con el coche tanto tiempo como quieras.
Our business will continue to prosper as long as the economic situation does not change. Nuestro negocio continuará prosperando siempre y cuando la situación económica no cambie.


  • "And as long as I've got my suit and tie"
  • "It is guaranteed to prevent crime (as long as it's used in combination with several other methods, which I am also researching)."
  • "Sometimes I feel the company itself could be burning down, but as long as everything looked good on paper they would be satisfied."
  • "I am quite happy to consider any of the above options, as long as it's number 4."
  • "We have always benefited from a healthy tourist industry, and as long as our city remains an attractive tourist destination we will continue to do so."
  • "And finally, as long as you're removing junk from the building, why don't you help Horatio clear out some of the junk from his office?"
  • "The future doesn't look bright for the Delavigne Corporation - at least as long as Bruno Delavigne remains behind the steering wheel."
  • "You can come over, as long as you bring some rum, some rubber gloves and a towel."
  • "Philip, feel free to bring a date, as long as she doesn't mind that we talk a little business."

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