Traducción & Definición

as for (myself): en cuanto a (mí), con respecto a (mí), en lo que (me) concierne prepositional phrase
As for Horatio, tell him that I'll deal with him later. En cuanto a Horatio, dile que más tarde me ocuparé de él.


  • "As for crashing into the ocean, it's something I'd like to avoid."
  • "As for nap time, I'm afraid I remain unconvinced of its efficacy."
  • "Lawyer : As for the tax evasion, I've made an appointment with the best accountant in town tomorrow at 10.00 am, at the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "As for your sexist comments, I am willing to consider them as jokes made in poor taste in the heat of the moment."
  • "As for the fragrance, I'm no expert, but it smells similar enough to merit a closer analysis from our experts."
  • "As for your dog Stink, I can prove he's crazy."
  • "As for being close to public transport, I don't think it could have been any closer to the railroad tracks."
  • "Lawyer : As for the tax evasion, I've made an appointment with the best accountant in town tomorrow at 10.00 am, at the Delavigne Corporation... I'll see you there?"
  • "As for the area around the building's entrance, I am pretty confident that the bike is resting on public property."

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