Traducción & Definición

an arrest: un arresto, una detención noun
There were several arrests following the demonstration. Hubo varias detenciones después de la manifestación.
to be under arrest: (estar, quedar) arrestado, detenido idiom
They're under arrest until further notice. Están detenidos hasta nuevo aviso.
to arrest somebody: arrestar, detener a alguien verb
The police arrested the suspect outside his house. La policía detuvo al sospechoso fuera de su vivienda.


  • "You are under arrest for detonating a nuclear bomb in the Pacific Ocean."
  • "Horatio : General, I mean Rainbow Child, am I still under arrest?"
  • "Hannah : I'm not under arrest, am I?"
  • "Oléré was later arrested for public nudity."
  • "Police : Mr. Warbuckle, you're under arrest for driving under the influence."
  • "Bruno : Herbert, I haven't heard from you since you got arrested at that party in Vegas."
  • "It turned out she had a twin sister who used to act in... adult films. The director of one of her films was a friend of a drug dealer who got arrested and put in prison."
  • "Simpson was arrested by police driving at 180 miles an hour with a small horse in the passenger seat."

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