Traducción & Definición

(The people) around here, round here (are nice): (Las personas) de por aquí, de los alrededores (son agradables) adjective
You're not from around here, are you? ¿Tu no eres de por aquí, verdad?
(I was born) around here: (Nací) en los alrededores adverb


  • "Philip : You know, you're not the only intellectual around here, Susan Bliss."
  • "I need you to show me how things work around here."
  • "He's the big cheese around here."
  • "You seen anyone else walking around here?"
  • "So there are going to be some changes around here!"
  • "It's around here somewhere."
  • "Jean : You are the man in charge around here."
  • "I'm glad that things are finally changing around here."
  • "You ain't seen a crown around here, have you?"

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