Traducción & Definición

to approach: acercarse, aproximarse verb
The deadline is approaching. Se acerca la fecha límite.
an approach: un enfoque, un planteamiento, una visión noun
You have an innovative approach to marketing. Tienes una visión innovadora del marketing.

UK: That's an interesting approach.
US: My birthday is approaching. I want a puppy.


  • "Our readers would be fascinated to hear about your unique approach to accounting and your opinions on the finance world in general."
  • "But really it's a unique approach to language learning."
  • "A "one size fits all" approach is outdated and unsuccessful."
  • "Brian : Now Lucie, we're approaching Bruno's office."
  • "The Delavigne Corporation is delighted to announce the launch of the new and improved Classic Collection publicity campaign, still starring Ivana Bümbüm. Offering a more subtle approach than the first version of the Classic Collection campaign earlier this year, the new marketing strategy is more innovative in its attention to nuance, and its bespoke approach."
  • "Glen : Alright everyone, we're approaching the end of our yogic journey."
  • "California is one of the most generous states when it comes to family leave, and the Delavigne Corporation is well-known for its progressive approach."
  • "Since you're in charge of personnel, I want to ask you to approach the accounts department on my behalf."

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