Traducción & Definición
an appeal (for peace): un llamamiento (a la paz)
The prime minister has made an appeal to the two countries to sign a peace treaty. El primer ministro ha realizado un llamamiento a los dos países para que firmen un tratado de paz.
a court of appeals un tribunal de apelación
to appeal (to have a certain appeal): gustar, atraer (tener un cierto atractivo)
El origen de la expresión española "tener sex appeal":
This ad holds no appeal for me. Esa publicidad no me atrae.
appealing atractivo, seductor, encantador
to appeal: apelar, pedir, solicitar, recurrir
We will appeal to the family's sense of tradition. Apelaremos al sentido de tradición de la familia.
- "Susie : As I mentioned in my email, we are considering marketing a unisex line of products which obviously would appeal to both male and female consumers."
- "I was thinking of a perfume that would appeal to youthful adults, but as well to adult youths."
- "We're trying to rebrand Outback Cologne as a scent that also appeals to urban individuals, university students, young professionals, people who frequent bars and cafés and single men on the dating scene."
- "Susie : It's classy... French... explains the product well, appeals to a wide base of consumers... It's just crazy enough to work."
- "Edward : Ok... something emotional that appeals to young men."
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