Traducción & Definición
anyway: de todas formas, de todos modos
I'm going to try to catch the plane anyway. Voy a intentar tomar el avión de todas formas.
Anyway (as I was saying...): entonces, de todos modos, (como iba diciendo...)
Well anyway, as I was saying, it's time to give some thought to your retirement. Entonces, como iba diciendo, es hora de que pienses en tu jubilación.
- "Anyway, so, God, are you single?"
- "Edward : Anyway, um.."
- "Xavier : Anyway, Michael's not here to chat."
- "Anyway gentlemen, come sit on my knee and I shall give you your gifts."
- "Anyway, you have not come here to talk about my sex life, or lack thereof."
- "Anyway Stink's not crazy."
- "Anyway, we're here now, the Dinchester Hotel."
- "Anyway, Michael is here to bring music and dance to the perfume-making process."
- "Anyway, catch you later!"
- "Say, where did you get this monkey, anyway?"
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