Traducción & Definición

(I was going to call you) anyhow: (Iba a llamarte) de todos modos adverb


  • "Moira : Anyhow, that's all the time we have for this morning."
  • "Anyhow, I'm calling for two reasons."
  • "Anyhow, next week I will be in your "neck of the forest"* (again, I hope I've used the expression correctly)."
  • "Anyhow, now that you're a wealthy person, I've been considering your future."
  • "Anyhow, your mission for this week, should you choose to accept it, is to learn as much as you can about your colleagues' political views without offending them. For example, is your colleague a Democrat or a Republican?"
  • "How is Sheik Jafar, anyhow?"
  • "Anyhow, you'll find the results of the blood tests attached."
  • "Anyhow, I only wanted to thank you for your help."
  • "Anyhow, I think it's safe to say that I won that debate decisively."
  • "Anyhow, I know you don't mind sleeping in the tree house, but I can't sleep in my childhood race car bed any longer."

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