Traducción & Definición

to answer (a question): responder, contestar (a una pregunta) verb
Answer me! ¡Respóndeme!
to answer the phone responder al teléfono
an answer: una respuesta noun


  • "Answers: an LP is a long playing record (size 12 inches, played at 33⅓ rpm);"
  • "I should answer this."
  • "Brian : Chuk-Chuk, I am looking for answers."
  • "Please answer any questions Ms. Lohan might have, and keep things harmonious!"
  • "Chuk-Chuk : Brother Jones, sometimes the answer you are seeking is the question itself."
  • "I don't want to jump to conclusions, but the answer is clearly "yes"!"
  • "Answer me, Greg, this part of the song is interactive!"
  • "Horatio : I don't answer your questions!"
  • "The tree of mystery has the power to answer one question."
  • "And now, without further ado, I'd like to present tonight's main event - our expert camel panel, who will answer all your questions about our favorite mammal, the camel."

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