Traducción & Definición

an American: Un americano; un estadounidense noun
(an) American (car): (un coche) americano; estadounidense adjective
(I live in) America: (Vivo) en América noun


  • "The victim, American Joan Wayne, arrived at the beach at approximately 13:30 with friends, Sydney and Opera Smith and ethnically ambiguous travel agent Horatio Oléré."
  • "You are American?"
  • "Now, ideally you would retrieve the hair of an American black bear, but, as I am a generous and kind man, I will also accept grizzly bear hair."
  • "I'm the president of Europe, not America!"
  • "There are no cats in America."
  • "Don't wanna be an American idiot, Don't want a nation under the new media"
  • "Happy holidays to all and thank you American capitalism for the opportunity to work straight through the festive season with so few days off."
  • "Nationality: BLOODY YANK (AMERICAN)"
  • "Kimberly : Nah, nah, it was a Yank, an American, like you."
  • "America, you are so grand and gold, golden."

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