Traducción & Definición

all kinds of, some kind of: todo tipo de, algún tipo de idiom
I love all kinds of flowers. Me gustan las flores de todo tipo.
kind of: en cierto modo, una especie de, más o menos noun
what kind of...?: ¿qué tipo de...?, ¿qué clase de...? idiom
(She) is kind of (clever): (Ella) es más bien (inteligente) idiom


  • "Are you in some kind of trouble, Horatio?"
  • "Bruno : I'm sorry, Dr. Gilchrist, what kind of doctor are you?"
  • "Listen Todd, I've got one: A rabbi, a priest and an imam walk into a bar, the barman takes one look at them and says "Is this some kind of joke?"
  • "But it is kind of weird that you like perfumes so much."
  • "Mom : What kind of language is that?"
  • "Bruno : What kind of tree?"
  • "Bruno : So Betty, what kind of films do you like?"
  • "I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal."
  • "Edward : Yeah, I kind of got kidnapped by the head monkey."
  • "It sounds like you're having a dream - but what kind of dream are you having?"

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