Traducción & Definición

all day long / all day: todo el día, el día entero idiom
All day long, he sits here and watches TV. Se sienta aquí a ver televisión todo el día.
all night long / all night: toda la noche idiom


  • "You two aren't going to drink all night again, are ya?"
  • "Philip : And remember that time when you got stuck in the closet all night?"
  • "I've been making regular trips to the bathroom all night."
  • "Philip : And remember that time that you got stuck in the closet all night?"
  • "I get the impression that he could work all night if he had to."
  • "The neighbor's dog chased me down the street and I had to hide in a dumpster all night."
  • "You two aren't going to drink all night again, are you?"
  • "Ok, I'll be thinking about you all day."
  • "Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all night long."
  • "There was a girl knocking on my door all night."

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Me encanta hacer mis cursos de inglés en línea. Unos diez minutos al día son suficientes... Gracias.



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