Traducción & Definición
to agree to (a new contract): aceptar (el nuevo contrato)
Bruno will never agree to work with Kalvin Krime. Bruno nunca aceptará trabajar con Kalvin Krime.
- "Brent : I don't agree to that."
- "Bruno : Brian "the butcher" Jones, you've agreed to fight in the Shaolin-Miagi hybrid style."
- "Hogwash has expressed an interest in the project, though we will of course have to agree to terms. This is where you come in!"
- "Bruno : But I didn't agree to anything!"
- "Philip : Hannah, did you agree to anything?"
- "Kevin : Well, we have to agree to a contract first!"
- "Let me see... I, Horatio Oléré, agree to the following... will not sell without prior permission from the Board... should I attempt to sell my shares... prosecution."
- "Bruno : Brian "The Butcher" Jones, you've agreed to fight in the Shaolin-Miagi hybrid style."
- "I'm pleased to inform you that has agreed to your proposal and we would like to place an order"
- "And besides, when Michelangelo agreed to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for Pope Julius the second did it harm his reputation?"
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